⚠️ In some browsers the game has some lag. If this is the case, please change browser.

⚠️ We recommend the use of headphones to enjoy the music at its best.



Angel was once a powerful and ambitious alchemist in a grand, ancient city. He was known for his insatiable greed and unyielding desire for power. Throughout his life, Angel sought to accumulate more wealth, knowledge, and influence than anyone else, often at the expense of others.

Upon his death, Angel was judged in the afterlife and found unworthy of peace. As punishment, he was condemned to Purgatory with a unique curse that mirrored his life's obsessions and sins.



- Eduardo
- Alejandro Rodríguez Mederos @Alejandro
- Jose Gastón @Josegaston93

- Moisés García Moreno
- Javier Sánchez Molina @Javisanzart
- Kai

Game created for Mermelada Jam #3, under the themes Collection, Colossal, Consequences. 

We hope you like it!

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Authorsepaezrubio, JoseGaston, Kailmoi, Larzt, SadBoiDev, JaviSanzArt


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Básicamente lo que iba a decir ya veo que os lo han comentado en la página de la jam. Teneis un muy buen trabajo de base, una idea entretenida y una historia clara. Falal un poco detalles de estética y feedback en la jugabilidad (que con un pelín más de tiempo se arregla piola). La musica le da un muy buen toque al gameplay. Lo que menos me gusta sin embargo es que al empezar a aparecer bichos te vienen por todos lados y es muy dificil no perder vida al principio de cada oleada hasta que consigues juntarlos todos en un mismo punto e irles disparando mientras retrocedes